A revised Planning Application was submitted in April 2021. Prior to the submission, and in the months after, URW engaged in extensive consultation with the local community, Hammersmith & Fulham and Statutory bodies. As a result of the feedback received URW has sought to amend our proposed scheme to positively address all feedback. The modifications have been captured through the submission of a revised application. We believe the revisions we have made further strengthen this exciting project, and add to the multitude of benefits for the local area originally proposed. We are committed to delivering enticing and vibrant mixed use destinations, and our ambition is to ensure this project will be a place for everyone in the community to enjoy.
The following represent the benefits of both our original application, and also the improvements we have made in response to the valuable feedback received.
Additional Benefits of Revised Application
Reduction in height by 15 storeys to be brought in line with Cassini Tower at White City Living
Further refined and improved architecture to towers and park buildings to work with the surrounding area
Additional set of fire escape stairs to the three tallest buildings
Additional fire mitigation measures to the escape cores of all buildings
Further public benefit through the offer of discounted workspace and community-use space
Existing Benefits of 2021 Application
- 1,700 new homes including genuinely affordable homes
- New landmark and outstanding architecture
- A new cultural and creative hub called ‘The Makery’
- New 1.4 acre public courtyard within the heart of the scheme, accessed by a feature staircase from The Makery or at street level from Bronze Walk or Silver Street
- New pedestrian connections throughout the site, including through the restored railway arches
- Secure cycle spaces for residents and the public
We also see the provision of affordable housing as an integral part of our development. URW is currently undertaking detailed discussions regarding the level of affordable housing, S106 and CIL contributions to be provided as part of the new scheme. These discussions are ongoing. This is not uncommon for a project of this scale and complexity. However, the proposal will provide additional affordable homes in addition to those consented under the existing permission, and the 89 genuinely affordable homes delivered at Newall Court.